girl behind twigs

Immunization from vaccination does not last… that’s a problem

“Let’s look at the historical patterns of the immune system development. What you have initially is passive immunity. Your mother had measles. She has very good immunity. She confers passive immunity to you. You are protected both in utero and through the first year or so of life. You then get your own exposure to measles as your measles immunity wanes, and you develop active immunity. The active immunity is maintained, historically, and it’s maintained by what’s called wild type boosting.

Epidemics of measles occur historically every two years in developed countries like the [United] States or the UK. And you are exposed to that virus on a regular basis… you do not develop measles because you are immune. But what it does is to boost your immune response and maintain your immunity for life. So that pattern of exposure has been crucial to our protection from measles after our initial exposure as a child.

Let’s change that to immunization. With immunization, your pattern of exposure is now one shot at 12 to 18 months, a second shot, pre-school booster, and then potentially at some point in time later in life. Here is the pattern of immunity now in children. Mothers who have been vaccinated against measles do not develop good immunity, and they most certainly do not give their infants good immunity… It may last for one month or two months, it certainly does not last during that period of susceptibility up to immunization.

You then you get the immunization, you develop immunity. But that is not lasting. It is not lasting. And this is a big big problem. This is called secondary vaccine failure. That is for the people who develop immunity, many don’t. But that’s for those who develop immunity, and that wanes. You become susceptible again. So MMR vaccine, measles vaccine, was sold to us on the basis of once in a lifetime. And then it became, oops, not quite, let’s give a pre-school booster. You get your pre-school booster… that lasts for even less time in the majority of people, and then it decays. And then you are susceptible to measles for life…

… Unless, of course, you are re-vaccinated. But that’s not going to last… so maybe you should be re-vaccinated every year. So these unanticipated consequences by the gung-ho attitude let’s get in there and vaccinate has created a population that is now dependent on repeated immunization. What a tremendous market. … Wow. And this pattern of exposure is the same for the chickenpox vaccine and for other vaccines. They create a market and, in fact, I’ve been told by an insider at Merck that they knew this.”

— Andrew Wakefield, MD

Courtesy: The Outliers

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